
  1. PracticalApplication ofMedical Laser
  2. Application of Laseron wound heeling. (Three times)
  3. Laser acupuncture workshop (Threetimes)
  4. Laser in cellulite workshop
  5. Fractional Co2 Laser
  6. IPLWorkshop (Three times)
  7. Radiofrequency in dermatology
  8. Digital Photography in Dermatology
  9. Laser Treatment in Proctology
  10. Low power Laser workshop
  11. Application of laser in gynecology
  12. Low level laser therapy
  13. Laser application in gynecology and obstetrics
  14. Short-term professional training workshop on the application of lasers in treatment of pain
  15. Laser application in venous Diseases
  16. safety and protection of working with laser device in dentistry
  17. Application of Erbium and neodymium laser in dentistry
  18. Applicationof Diode laser in dentistry
  19. Safety in medical laser
  20. Laser application and shock wave in physical medicine, rehabilitation and pain
  21. Laser application in pain and wound healing



1.     The Seminar of LaserApplications in Medical Sciences: June 13, 2008

2.     The Seminar of Photodynamic Therapy: February14,2008

3.     The First Seminar of Recent Studies on Lasers in Dermatology: August 8, 2009

4.     The Seminar of Laser in Cellulite: July17,2009

5.     The Seminar of LaserTherapy forPain: August13, 2009

6.     The Seminar of LasersinSurgery: February21, 2010

7.     The Seminar of Laserapplications in ophthalmology: January 13, 2011

8.     The Seminar ofLasers Application in Dentistry: October 11, 2011

9.     The seminar of Laser Application in Urology. October 10, 2012

10.laser application in dentistry, October 20 and 18, 2011

11.laser application in urology, November 4 and 5, 2012

12.laser application in urology,December 10-18, 2016

13.laser applicationin physical medicine and pain August 17-27, 2017

14.Virtual training courses:

15.Application of laser in back pain and neuropathy

16.Application of laser in lithotripsy

17.Application of laser in the treatment of BPH

18.Application of laser in osteoarthritis

19.Introduction of medical lasers and interaction

20.New applications of lasers

21.Laser Therapy for Lymphedema

22.Application of laser in pain and diseases of bones and joints

23.Laser in dentistry

24.History of physics and lasers in dentistry

25.Laser in the treatment of wounds and varicose veins

26.Application of laser in orthodontics

27.Photodynamic therapy

28.Theoretical foundations of low level lasers in dentistry

29.Laser therapy in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome

30.Treatment of hemoptysis

31.New diagnostic methods in dentistry

32.Basics of medical laser application

33.Application of laserin the treatment of de Quervains Tenosynovitis

34.Application of laser in skin vascular lesions

35.Application of laser in physical medicine and rehabilitation

36.Flexible ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy for renal stones